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How to answer advantages and disadvantages essay questions in writing task 2 IELTS exam

By Richa Raj > December 08, 2020

Among different kinds of essay questions asked in the IELTS exam, students commonly come across the “advantages/disadvantages” essay questions. Here, in this article we are going to understand the concept of these essay questions, figure out a way to answer them in a logical manner and understand the intricacies related to them. 

Understanding the meaning of Advantage/Disadvantage essay questions

The Advantage/Disadvantage question usually begins with a statement, further seeking your comment on what according to you are the advantages and disadvantages of the same. 

There are three different kinds of advantages and disadvantages essay questions that are asked by the examiner in the IELTS exam. 

They can look like the following: 

In order to solve traffic problems, the Government should tax private vehicle owners heavily and use the money to improve public transportation. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution? 

Do the dangers derived from the use of chemicals in food production and preservation outweigh the advantages? 

These days, many people have their own computers and telephones, making it quite easy for them to work from home. Does working from home have more advantages than disadvantages? 

The phrases highlighted above are a true representation of the different types of questions that can be categorised under Advantages/Disadvantages questions. Your examiner can ask your opinion about the advantages and disadvantages of certain things in any of the abovementioned ways. 

Recognizing that it is indeed an advantages/disadvantages question is the first step to learning how to answer these questions. 

Marking criteria 

The marketing criteria for all the answers in any writing task in your IELTS exam, including the problem/solution essay will be based on the following four basis: 

1. Task response 

Your score under this criterion will depend on how well you are in terms of paying attention to the requirements of the question. It will also depend on your skills being relevant in terms of the questions. Going off topic and not making sense will only lead you to a lower score spectrum.  

2. Cohesion and coherence 

Concisely crafted pieces, written in not more than four paragraphs with a logically central idea is what your examiner is looking for. Your score in this criterion depends on your ability to present your ideas in a structured manner, with the right linking words supporting the body of the written piece and having a central topic flowing in a particular paragraph. 

3. Lexical resources and vocabulary 

You can score well in this particular section by keeping in mind just three things: 

  1. Your ability to use appropriate words 
  2. Your ability to use the words in their right collocative manner 
  3. And, your ability to spell those words right. 

These three tips will go a long way as far as this particular section is concerned. 

4. Grammar range and accuracy 

Errors must not be made in the most common grammar rules. You must avoid using the wrong tenses and the wrong verbs as much as possible. Also, you must not forget to focus on the sentence structure and syntax, word order in the sentence, as well as the correct punctuation marks. 

Each criterion carries a 25% weightage in order to determine your final score for that answer.

Advantage/Disadvantage essay framework 

The basic structure of an Advantage/Disadvantage essay answer can be explained with a simple approach. You have to introduce, explain and then close. 


Start by giving a background statement first. Introduce what you are trying to say throughout the essay and paraphrase the question in this paragraph. You should always end this introductory paragraph with a thesis statement, with the help of such phrases: “This essay discusses…”.  This thesis statement will act as a transition statement between the introduction and the body paragraph 1. 

Body paragraphs 

Once you are through with your introduction, you are now going to jump to the body paragraphs. Your body paragraphs can be divided into two sections, or three (if there is something else you would want to add or simply add the third paragraph due to the requirements of a word limit). 

Begin your body paragraph 1 by talking about the first side. Explain why you think whatever you think. Support your explanations with proper examples and illustrations. And then end the first body paragraph with an ending statement. This ending statement will be a transition statement between the first body paragraph and the second one. 

The second body paragraph should focus on the second side you want to talk about. Again, start explaining the main point for the second side. If you have discussed advantages or positive aspects in the first body paragraph, discuss the disadvantages or negative effects in this second body paragraph. Support your arguments with valid illustrations and examples. End this paragraph with a closing statement as well. 


End your essay with a proper conclusion, beginning with phrases like “ To conclude…” or “To sum up…”. Write briefly about the things you discussed in your body paragraphs. Sum up your arguments in a sentence and end the essay with phrases like “This essay discussed…”. 

Planning an advantage/disadvantage essay 

It is extremely important that you are planning out your answers in advance when writing down “advantages and disadvantages” essay in your IELTS exam. 

1. Analysing the question 

Ensure you understand the question first before you begin writing your answers. Understand what the question demands from you. Do not confuse the “Advantage/Disadvantage” essay question with an opinion essay question. The “Advantage/Disadvantage” essay question does not seek your personal belief or opinions to be answered. It only seeks valid and logical statements and facts from you. Do not confuse the two when writing down the answers to this type of an essay question. 

Identify the question before you begin writing. The phrases in an “Advantage/Disadvantage” essay questions will be as follows: 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution? 
Do the dangers … outweigh the advantages? 
…. have more advantages than disadvantages? 

2. Highlighting the keywords 

There is no denying the fact that highlighting keywords is one of the most important tasks you can undertake while writing any essay answer. This requires your focus and attention, along with you understanding the art of proofreading. Always proofread your answer before submitting your answer book to the examiner. Once you have proofread everything, ensure you are highlighting all the essential keywords. It gives you an edge over the others. 

3. Brainstorming the ideas, structure and explanations

Spare a few minutes, at all times, after you have identified and analysed the question. Map out the structure of your answer, brainstorm your opinions and viewpoints that are needed to be added in your answer, the kind of words you are going to be using and then begin writing. 

Writing is a secondary task, what is primary is you brainstorming the points you need to cover. If you do this properly, there is no stopping you from getting into that 7+ band score. 

Common mistakes to avoid 

No matter where you are at your preparation stage for the upcoming IELTS exam, always ensure you are not making the following mistakes as far as the “Advantage/Disadvantage” essay questions are concerned. 

Giving out your opinions 

Make sure you are not presenting your personal beliefs as a part of your answer in the “Advantage/Disadvantage” essay answers. Your personal beliefs and opinions form a part of the “Opinion” essay based questions in the IELTS exam and not this answer. You are only required to state facts and statements that have already been proven. Stating your personal beliefs in this essay answer will only land you in the wrong spots with the examiner. 

Not supporting your explanations with examples 

Ensure you are putting in the right examples at the right places. Most people do not understand the importance of examples and illustrations in an essay. It is imperative that you are supporting your facts and arguments with the right examples. It could be just a simple example, however, it is important that you state it in the right place. 

Repeating the same words 

Avoid repeating the same word over and over again. Using the same word can put you in a troublesome spot altogether. Try and broaden your vocabulary horizon, and use different synonyms instead of that particular word. 

Exceeding the word limit

Try not exceeding your word limit. Usually, the answers are supposed to be answered in about 250 words. However, when required and deemed extremely necessary, try not to go over 280 words. Stick to a healthy word limit of 250-280 words. Sticking to this word limit will spare you a few minutes in the end to proofread your essay again and highlight all the necessary phrases and keywords. 

Illogical essay structure 

Sparing a few minutes to plan your answer in advance is very important. The lack of planning can lead you to start writing your answer in a haphazard manner and ruin the basic framework of your answer. Think of all the necessary phrases and the structure to be used before you begin writing your essay. Take a breath. Give yourself that one minute, or two and then jump to writing. If you are not planning, you are going to lose grip right in the middle of your essay and forget all the arguments that could have led you to that spot in the 7+ band score. 

Follow our YouTube channel “Unlock IELTS with Richa” for more such great tips and tricks to crack your upcoming IELTS exam in an easy way. All the best! 


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