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How to Answer Pie Chart Essay in IELTS Writing Task 1 Academics

By Richa Raj > December 10, 2020

Pie chart  is one of the major questions in IELTS academic writing task 1.

Under this, you are expected to write your answer as a response to the pie chart presented.  Here, you are required to describe the information given in 150 words in 20minutes. To score well in the pie chart essay questions, you need to study the question well.

Solving the pie chart essay questions is all about finding the right keywords in the questions and framing your answer based on them.

To help you with the Pie chart essay preparation, we will walk you through a complete overview of how to answer the Pie chart questions in IELTS Writing Task 1 Academics through this step-by-step guide.

Most of the IELTS aspirants share questions like-

What is a pie chart and how to answer a pie chart essay in the IELTS Writing task 1 Academics?

How to describe a pie chart sample?

Let’s begin by first thing first!

What is a Pie chart essay?

In the academic task 1 writing module, you are asked to write an essay based on visual information or data.  This visual information can be presented in the form of a pie chart.

A pie chart is a circular statistical graphic, which is divided into slices to illustrate percentage or numerical proportion.  In a pie chart, the arc length of each slice is proportional to the quantity it represents. 

While writing a pie chart essay, you have to mention the most significant information. You need to write a short descriptive report in 150 words based on the visual information. You can frame your answer by describing the largest share in the pie chart and contrasting it with the smallest one.

What are the different parts of a Pie chart?

The different parts of a pie chart are-

  • Part 1-  It is a short explanation of the pie chart
  • Part 2-  Directs you what to do with the given information
  • Part 3-   it is the graphic information

Format for describing IELTS Pie Chart Writing Task 1

While writing a pie chart essay, you need to walk by a specific format which is-

  • Introduction: Paraphrase the question
  • Overview: In the overview, you can describe the trend or write a general  overview of the main groupings
  • Specific Details:
    • Body paragraph 1:  write about the specific logical details of the first grouping
    • Body paragraph 2:  Write about the specific logical details of the second grouping


You can follow either type of structure for your essay.

Focus on the following topic to organize your findings:

  • Major trends
  • Major groups
  • Exceptions
  • Group information
  • Other similar ideas

Marking Criteria of the IELTS Writing test

There are 4 parameters that you need to fulfill for scoring the desired band score:

  • Task Achievement
  • Coherence and Cohesion
  • Lexical resource and vocabulary
  • Grammar Range and Accuracy

Each criterion has a 25% weightage.

How to plan IELTS Writing Task 1-Academics?
1. Analyze the question

Read the question; understand the context, instructions, facts, figures, and the axis information for answering the question.

2. Identify the main features
Always pick 2-3 trends for forming the answer to your question.

3. Brainstorm the ideas and the vocabulary
After identifying the main features, focus on framing and organizing the ideas to answer your question. Stress upon using the right vocabulary that befits the context of the pie chart essay question.

For writing the introduction, you can paraphrase the question and write the overall summary of the text as an overview.

Detailed paragraph : You can decide to elaborate on the main features from point 2 for explaining your point.

 Sample question and Answer
Here is a sample question and answer for a better understanding of the pie chart essay:

Here the answer reveals the main features of the questions, comparisons , and the overall estimation of the data. 

Common Mistakes which you need to avoid in Pie chart Essay writing

Incomplete Analysis of the data
It is important to go through the question properly to frame your answer.

Writing an explanation of the data
Don’t write hypothetical reasons for the change in the percentage or the figures. Write according to the data given.

Not writing an overview
Missing out on writing an overview can cost you a score. Therefore, never be in hurry to complete the question and submit, take time in writing the complete overview.

Writing / mentioning each detail
Avoid mentioning every detail in the question and focus on including the main trends in the answer.

Exceeding the word limit
It is a wise man‘s saying that “do what is asked to do”. Going in length won’t fetch you extra marks. Staying and answering the questions within the word limit is crucial to skip on losing marks.

Illogical structure
In the IELTS Pie Chart Essay writing, you need to follow a specific structure to answer your questions. Do not get diverted from your point and follow the right structure.

Not planning before writing
Planning forms the base for your answer which is why you need to plan the things before to avoid confusion and wasting of time.

So, in this way you can plan your pie chart essay answer and gain the desired score. Always remember to follow a specific pattern for answering your questions and keep a tab over the tense and vocab to b used in the essay.

Unlock IELTS with Richa aims at providing a detailed explanation of how to attempt pie chart essay questions in IELTS writing task 1 academics and the common mistakes to avoid while answering the questions. For more interesting videos, you can subscribe to Unlock Ielts with Richa on YouTube.


Frequently Asked Questions

You can begin by introducing the pie chart as to what it is about. Cite the main features and compare it with the other features or the facts mentioned in the pie chart. At last, conclude your essay with your understanding of the whole thing.

50%- more than half 45%- more than two fifths 40%- two-fifths 35%- more than a third 25%- a quarter 10%-one in 10 5%-one in 20

• Understand the topic • Understand the type of essay • Plan the essay • Write an introduction • Present an overview • Complete your answer in the body paragraph • Conclude your essay

• Read the labels on a graph • Analyze the information on the graphs • Plan your body paragraph • Choose the most important details • Restate the main trends using different words • Proofread the description

Well, yes, if you have no clue, then you can follow the steps below to prepare for ielts from zero: • Understand the test format • Practice with sample test questions • Consider a preparation course • Follow Unlock IELTS with Richa

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