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“Mastering Reading Section Of The Test Might Be Difficult, but not Anymore |Check out our Tips”

By Richa Raj > March 24, 2023

Mastering the Reading Section of the test can be a nerve-racking task for IELTS aspirants. This is primarily because the Reading section challenges the test-takers with complex texts and questions that require high-level reading skills, as well as deeper understanding and comprehension of topics. Therefore, it’s no wonder that even highly competent English speakers may sometimes struggle to achieve their target score in this section.

However, readers need not worry anymore; UnlockIELTS.com offers expert tips and techniques, along with study materials designed explicitly to prepare students for IELTS exams. In this blog post, we will explore some of UnlockIELTS.com tried-and-tested tips that help you ace your reading competency better and boost your scores.

IELTS Test Format

Before diving into our expert tips on how to master your reading skills for IELTS exam, let's begin by understanding the format of the Reading section of the test. The Reading section comprises 40 questions which are divided into three passages - each has around 700-800 words long for academic tests or general interest topics for General Training tests.

Additionally, recognizing what question types expect from them is paramount in succeeding in this part of the examination. Question types include short answer questions, information matching exercise or multiple-choice questions -among others- which all require unique skills to answer with accuracy.

Building Vocabulary

Good vocabulary skills are vital when taking any language proficiency test but more so with the IELTS Reading section. Having excellent comprehension requires an extensive lexicon breadth and depth over a variety of subject areas covered in IELTS.

Start building vocabulary today by engaging yourself in various channels like reading newspapers articles or online articles about international matters or educational headlines/papers on different subjects such as science or law etc., learning new vocabularies or studying word lists focused on distinct domains.

Effective Time Management Techniques

Time management is crucial when taking any exam, if you don't monitor time well, you risk not finishing the entire test, let alone the specific section within time limits. So, it comes as no surprise that managing your time efficiently while doing IELTS Reading is an important key to success.

To make effective use of the allocated 60 minutes for reading exercises or part of its format, start by skimming through passages to quickly identify relevant information which helps answer questions easily and save time. Divide your reading and answering period and aim to complete a set number of question items per reading passage in a given amount of time.

UnlockIELTS.com Reading Strategies

UnlockIELTS.com offers unique strategies to help aspirants increase their chances of performing better in reading sections of the test. With UnlockIELTs.com's training materials and study resources improve your reading speed and comprehension using functional techniques such as practicing with past exams in quantity, completing timed exercises or taking mock tests under exam conditions.

Optimize You Mindset

The power of positivity can have significant impacts on several aspects of our lives. That's why when preparing for IELTS Reading Section having a growth mindset can be beneficial for you. It’s essential to remain confident throughout the preparation journey even if you are not familiar with some wordings or subject matters/tasks that appear unfamiliar during practice sessions.


In conclusion, mastering IELTS Reading Section doesn't have to be daunting any longer for test takers! By effectively managing their time, developing strong vocabulary skills, adopting a growth mindset attitude and enrolling with reputed portals like UnlockIELTS.com blog readers should gain confidence in achieving higher scores on this challenging part of English language proficiency test.

If you're aspiring to an all-around successful IELTS score -and particularly if you’re planning emigrating or work abroad- we strongly advise unlocking unlimited access to furthering resources provided by UnlockIELTs.com including sample tests/answers submitted by other users, extra essential online coursework materials/tips regularly updated/formatted to IELTS testing format and so much more. We're hopeful that you’ll achieve great success with our tips and recommendations, best of luck!


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