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Latest Updates on Changes In The Structure Of The Upcoming ielts exam

By Richa Raj > April 25, 2023


The IELTS exam, also known as the International English Language Testing System, is among the most popular methods of assessing an individual's English language proficiency. However, as with any standardized exam, changes in structure and content can occur over time. Keeping abreast of these changes is critical to your success on exam day. In this blog post, we'll go over the latest updates regarding the upcoming IELTS Exam.

Latest Changes to The Structure Of The Upcoming ielts exam:

The IELTS format has recently undergone several modifications that test-takers need to be aware of before taking their next evaluation. Here are some significant changes made which will be executed soon:

1) Timing:

Previously, candidates had one hour for reading tasks and 40 minutes for writing tasks, but now they will get 75 minutes for both sections.

Listening and speaking times remain unchanged - Listening section lasts around 30 minutes whereas Speaking section ranges between 11-14 minutes.

2) Reading:

As far as the reading contents are concerned - Starting with exams conducted from January 2022 onward – IELTS Academic Reading Test will comprise four pieces of advanced (case study/literary/narrative articles) texts totalling 2700-3300 words accompanied by questions following each text; however,easily scannable or skimmed facts will stay limited unlike earlier.

3) Writing:

In terms of writing task update - Examiners gauge scribbled essay responses based on scoring system derived from linguistic criteria such as lexical resourcefulness, grammatical accuracy etc however format introduced in January 2022 aims at reducing examiner’s workload along with preventing pen-tapping time while awaiting next question/screen change --- hence it is now possible that up to three topics maybe offered on test-day after random selection process.

4) Speaking:

Certain stylistic updates have been proposed by Cambridge University already and feedback gathered from certain training schools’ responses. From May 2021, a fresh training procedure would be implemented aiming for enhancing assessors’ skills to allocate bands to test-takers in a uniform manner throughout the evaluation duration.

Tips For Preparing For The New IELTS Format:

Upskilling yourself with new techniques and strategies that suit IELTS format of Exam is crucial along with studying correct content i.e. strengthening foundational reading as well writing skills but also adopting smart study habits, such as time management for composing answers under timed conditions.

Some useful tips are mentioned below:

1) Doing Practice on computerised tests- Online practice not only simulates an actual examination but also helps familiarize oneself with technologically assisted testing.

2) Listening Audios- Understanding and grasping fluency better is important in Listening section, hence practicing various accents via video tutorials or listening exercises can prove helpful.

3) Read Blogs & Articles- Inculcating reading habit via extensive reading will help you comprehend passages faster resulting in time-saving during exams; while reading blogs or published articles relating subjects akin to latest events/culture etc can improve one’s vocabulary at large.

4) Expand Vocabulary- Expanding your vocabulary cognizant towards the upcoming exam patterns can elevate your recognition of advanced words and their contexts – thus bolstering scoring chances in Reading/writing segments

5) Time management - A potential struggle area is finishing responses timely since now the execution timing has been increased making it difficult to maintain propulsive momentum comprised of accuracy & legibility rate simultaneously. Practising effective time-management tactics is very critical for acing desired results.

Unlock IELTS books allows access to online study material containing notes, lectures, and practice materials through which aspirants could learn these techniques conveniently & effortlessly.

Understanding The Latest Modifications In The Upcoming ielts exam:

Modifications made across all the four sections should be read carefully by potential candidates of IETLS exam. They are as follows:

a) Reading:

Here as mentioned above, text segment now contains advanced and lengthier academic readings such that one must not solely rely on short facts for answering questions. Answers ought to be inferred from pertaining within texts i.e. para rephrasing would help immensely.

b) Writing:

The structure of the writing segment remains somewhat similar to earlier types; however, flexibility has been awarded to selected candidates who can now choose among three prompts instead of usual two essays based prompts.

c) Listening:

Listening comprehension involves understanding a diverse range of accents while answering questions accurately with higher scoring margins. In this format updates, chart sketches containing graphic representation inculcated among answers could come handy – hence making them more engaging plus less time-consuming

d) Speaking:

For examination takers' motivation level or decreased anxiety levels an updated point-system has been introduced -once done with self-expression part –time division following a relevant question –isolating into subcategories (lexical fluency, grammar & pronunciation, discourse organisation) on basis of which individual score allocated amongst each component and finally cumulative grade assigned.

How To Ace The New IELTS Format:

We understand how testing it might feel going through upcoming modifications and new patterns added to the exam scenario but fret not! With UnlockIELTS.com's teaching methods and effective study material provided by us aspirants will learn beneath seasoned trainers’ guidance - smart solving tactics along with overcoming test-taking anxiety is yet simpler comparable under our guidance.

Additionally, they can opt out for below suggestions:

1) Focus particularly on segments costing scoring margins & consecutively allot time accordingly.

2) Choose words carefully- Vocab as mentioned above comprises major aspect in boosting your score.

3) Practice via timed-model tests conducted online - this helps in preventing unintended errors or typos.

4) Don't skip any section -- attempt every question since there are no deductions made against wrongly answered questions

5) Rehearse, repeat and revise – focusing on previously missed questions or concepts


Keeping up-to-date with ever-changing IELTS exams shows a candidate's commitment towards their goal to score well. These updates are published many times, via different mediums as official announces or news/articles hence it is essential to acquaint oneself with latest patterns of Exam. UnlockIELTS.com has advanced learning material aligned along unique teaching approach keeping in mind concerns aspiring candidates face when venturing forward to tackle the examinational evaluation. Now that you have garnered this new knowledge and gained awareness about modifications in the structure of upcoming IELTS exam - utilize our updated resources mentioned above and achieve success like never before!


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